Do I Have Bruxism or TMJ? What To Know
Bruxism and TMJ can both cause jaw pain, so sometimes it's hard to tell when you're experiencing one or the other. In fact, sometimes one of these conditions can cause the other to occur! If you're suffering from problems like jaw pain, your…

3 Things to Know About Pinhole Orthodontics
Pinhole orthodontics is a part of an ever-growing trend to minimize invasive procedures in healthcare. It’s a fairly simple concept that has big implications for the patient in the chair: the smaller the incisions, the faster you will heal.…

Dental Treatment for Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea is a common condition affecting up to 22 million Americans of all ages. The problem can also be a serious one, because it causes people to stop breathing temporarily in their sleep.
Sleep apnea results from airway…

4 Benefits of One Day Visit Crowns
Have you ever heard of one day visit crowns in Salina KS? Traditional crowns are installed over multiple days, while one-day crowns are installed over (you guessed it!) a single day! There are many benefits of one day visit crowns. See below:

4 Benefits of Invisalign
Years ago, when someone needed to correct a tooth misalignment, the dentist might prescribe braces. Today, dental patients have more options. Invisalign clear plastic aligners are a modern alternative to braces. These dental tools serve the…

Are Your Headaches Related to Dental Issues?
If you suffer from chronic headaches that have not responded to treatment from your physician, it could be that they are related to a dental issue. The cranium is connected to the jawbone, which is prone to issues having to do with oral health.…

What is TMJ, and What Is a TMJ Disorder?
TMJ is an acronym for your temporomandibular joint. Everyone has a TMJ, or more accurately, everyone has two. These are the 'hinges' that connect your lower jaw to your cheekbone to allow your mouth to open and close. When something goes wrong…

3 Benefits of Pinhole Dental Surgery
Dental surgery for receding gums is common, particularly for the 65+ crowd. If you have a gingival recession, pinhole surgery in Salina, KS might be able to treat the issue with as little disruption to your life as possible. We’ll look at…